Friday, May 30, 2014


My precious children have generously passed along some germs to me. Despite what they might think, sharing is not caring.

I'm so groggy I flubbed up a pattern row so I'm now in bed, planning on a small nap. Full track pants , wind cheater and a very squishy cowl are all working to keep me warm.

Joex brought me back the yarn from her honeymoon in Japan. Isn't it gorgeous? It only took about three days to knit up. 

It's currently very helpful.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Is that....rain?

It started raining today. It's been such a mild end to autumn that getting bucketed on today gave me a bit if a shock.

Luckily I have two fairly well covered children. Marcus in his beanie...

...and Dot in hers.

And a tutu. And purple Cons.

Fashion. It's a very personal thing.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

It's beanie season

Ah, the mildest autumn I can remember. Warm, sunny, running around the back yard in t-shirts, jumping in leaves. Bliss. It's a good time to give Marcus a haircut.

Handsome little man. Perfect cut. Turn back for five minutes to clean up Dot's mess.

Oh look! Marcus took the scissors and cut the centre out of his hair. Again.

It's beanie time. 

It's still too warm for wool, so I'm crocheting up one in cotton. Crochet is fast, too. We need to cover him up ASAP.