Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Knitting,life and illness

I could have sworn my week was going well. Last Monday I finished my green swirl hat.

See? Cute, adorable and neutral, and sitting perfectly on our Mini-Marcus doll. So I started a second hat.

See? Cute, adorable and neutral, and sitting perfectly on our Mini-Marcus doll. Then I remembered that I'd sworn not to start another project until I'd finished something off from the WIP box in the bungalow. So I went out, reached in and pulled out a bag.

Can you believe it was the Baby Surprise Jacket I'd never sewn up in the same green? I was impressed by the Knitting Gods largesse, and promised to forthwith sacrifice many many more balls of yarn to their cause.

I must have been overly smug because on Tuesday night Marcus couldn't breathe properly and we spent three hours in the emergency rooms with a very sick little boy with - once again - croup.

The next few days were an unbridled nightmare. Marcus couldn't breathe through his nose, and he couldn't sleep properly and eventually Felix had to take a day off to help me because Sick Marcus = Feral Marcus.

To compensate I thought it might be an idea to once again throw myself upon the mercy of the Knitting Gods and pick up a WIP. This time in my foraging I pulled out the Garden Path Shawl. *whimper*

It's not hard anymore, I just have to knit the edging. My problem is that I have three repeats until I do the next corner, and then I have two more sides to do. It's going to take such a long time, and just to smack me around a bit the Knitting Gods thought I needed sinusitis to assist me in my endeavours. Then it turned into a full-blown head cold, verging on flu the symptoms were so bad.

You know you're not well when you end up strapped to a foetal monitor just in case the baby is overheating because you are. Last time this happened, I had Marcus, so yesterday wasn't all that much fun. Thankfully we still have 1.8 children and will until July, *phew*.

I've decided to stop tempting the Knitting Gods. I started a small cardigan for Marcus in bulky yarn instead.


Leonie said...

You are certainly fitting a lot into your week. Sending you lots of healing thoughts and stay put thoughts for the baby as well. Take care of yourself. And stop tempting the knitting gods!

Celia said...

Great job. Now I just need a kick in the rear to get motivated.

Sonia said...

I hope this week is a better one for you and Marcus. Take care and keep knitting with this gorgeous rain we're having.

Gidgetknits said...

Oh that green... that is an amazing green!