Monday, April 29, 2013

Almost two hours

It was closer to three hours to finish off Marcus' beanie, and he's not very impressed with it.

The pattern is Debbie Bliss' Contrasting Edge hat, minus the edge. I shortened it by 1.5inches (yes, I still sometimes work in inches, much easier for knitting) and it fits like a dream. Well, probably only for this year.

The edge is Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran and the blues are Misti Alpaca Tonos Worsted I had left over from another project, so using some up was a way to tidy up the stash.

Unfortunately, the photography cut into Marcus' pwning time, so the session ended rather swiftly.

Stick around this week to see how much of my Wednesday list I've almost finished!

1 comment:

Celia said...

It's very cute. Maybe he'll like it better in a few weeks. Kids are strange like that.