Thursday, November 15, 2007

No, really, I am

After a lovely day spent cuddling Alisha, chatting with Michelle and Carly and even (!) putting my hand on Carly's belly to explain to the impending baby who I am and how drunk I'll get them when they're older, I have decided to put knitting aside for a bit today and concentrate on wrapping presents.

Here's hoping...


Melinda said...

Thanks for the comment about my too-small jumper! I did think of adding a plain panel down the side, although I wasn't sure how that would work when I got to the armhole shaping - wouldn't it make the armholes much more set in than the side edge? But I will read the Vogue knitting article - do you mean the anniversary issue?
That's partly why I haven't unravelled it yet - I wanted to see if there were any miracle cures!

Melinda said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY for yesterday! Hope it was a wonderful day!!!