Monday, April 14, 2014

Back in the mood

Well, I disappeared for a week, but I managed to get a lot of knitting done, so all fair there!

During the week I wrote out two lists: all the knitting I want to do and all the knitting I have to do. My have list included my customer's knitting, so I knocked those over pretty quickly. Felix stayed home on Friday to help with two sick-ish kidlets, which freed up a lot of time, especially for re-organising the back room! 

On my have to knit list was blocking my Egeblad doily. I love blocking lace; it's so much fun watching something all crunchy and wobbly turn into art. I've been putting this off because it's a circle and for some reason I was worried that I wouldn't be able to block it as a perfect circle.

I wasn't but I don't care. It's circular so I win. After a day pinned I'll release it from its metal prison and gloat a lot.

I also finished the first square in my Sherlock afghan series. The first story is "A Study in Scarlet" and the first square is called "Lauriston Gardens" after the address the body was found in. The pattern represents the brickwork of the building, and it was a lovely knit, lots of twisted stitches. I've only steamed it lightly for now, I'll block it good and hard when it comes time to sew up the blocks together.

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