This is the Patons Caressa I went a bit crazy on. I have 25 balls and I'll be making the slouchy cardigan from "Cafe Knits" out of about 11 balls. That leaves 14 balls and no clues what to do with it. At least it was only $1...
Next up is my rather scrummy Filatro di Crosa slub cotton. It was a huge bargain of "Buy 1 get one free" and at $2.99 a ball, who was I to say no? Especially when the yarn is orange - my very happiest colour? No chance. This does leave me with 22 balls though, but luckily last month's "Yarn" came to my rescue with this amazing cabled coat. The swatch knits up beautifully (when doubled) so that's a load off of my mind.
This is all of the left overs from the massive bag my mum gave me of her stashed yarn. It's Paton's Herdwick from the 70's and she was knitting a very nice (gag!) intarsia cardigan from it. Well, I've used some to make her a tea cosy, some to knit my nephew's doll a jumper and the rest I shall use to knit an outfit for her doll that I bought her from ak traditions. They have some pretty cute knitting patterns for their dolls, so my mum's Judith doll (named after the Divine J herself) will be all girlied up.
This is my mega amounts of Jo Sharp DK. I'll be knitting up cushion fronts for my nieces and nephews for Christmas. If they don't want a funky handknit cushion for their bed, tough.
Ah, the bag of alpaca 8ply. When I worked in a wool store, I stocked up big on this - it's just too soft not to. The black/white/red combination will be used to knit a St Kilda supporter outfit for my da's doll (again from ak) to use up that last of it. The brown/champagne combination will be used to make me some cabled socks. I've made three pairs, and none were for me, dammit! I'll have to stripe it somehow, but no problems really.
Basic wool for socks for Felix. I'm planning some elaborate cabled toe-up's from the dark green, but otherwise, nothing remarkable. I am thinking I might use some of the black for my nephew's Christmas present - what 9 year old wouldn't want a Jolly Roger cushion?
I made the "Elise" cardigan from Rowan's "Vintage Knits" and I wear it almost constantly. I may have to make a second one to save the first from constant use (Felix described it as the one piece of clothing that defines me). With the leftovers I want to make these gorgeous socks from Interweave Knits (Winter 2004). Sharon from the Melbourne S'n'B was making them last time I saw her and that was enough reason to go for it. The reason I've put them off for so long is because I was sure I couldn't actually knit socks. Now I know I can, they're back on my list.
Ahhhh, Patonyle sock yarn. Part of my Clegg's stocktake binge I bought 6 balls of the pink/red/white/vile yellow/orange for myself, and 8 balls of the grey/brown/black/white for Felix. A whole bunch of vanilla socks to happen.
I bought this Rowan Wool Cotton to make the Basalt Tank from Norah Gaughan's "Knitting Nature". Unfortunately, I don't actually own the book as yet. Should any of my sisters be reading this: I want this book for my birthday please! Oh, and two more balls of the yarn wouldn't go astray either...
Three cones of Bendigo 2ply, bought to weave scarves. Now I no longer have a loom, it's knitting yarn. It's also the knitting yarn I thought of at 3am after I'd signed up to Mystery Stole 3, so at least it now has a purpose. I still need to buy the beads before I can start, and luckily the fourth clue is over two weeks to accommodate anyone reading the new Harry Potter book (Felix and I are buying two copies and having a race to finish them) so I can start to catch up then.
This yarn is what good yarn becomes when it dies. This yarn is what you want to use all of the time. This yarn is Wendy Dennis 4ply undyed Polworth. I had white as well, but that got used up by Michelle's baby shawl (and I still need some more!). These perfect balls of joy will become Estonian Hand Puppets from Spin Off magazine (Summer 2006) for me and me alone. Well, maybe my children when I have some. If you don't know about Wendy Dennis, have a look at Tandacoort.
Lastly, we have these. They were meant to make up the Slouch Cardigan from "Cafe Knits" but collecting the colourway became too much effort. What we have is 10/1 single ply silk (170g) from Fibreworks Hand Dyed Yarns, a wool slub yarn (100g) also from Fibreworks and a boucle (100g) from Touch Yarns, the first to be purchased. However, I'm now making the cardigan in the Caressa, so what on earth am I going to do with all of these?
Any ideas? Suggestions? Help!
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